A completely immersive game arena for all ages, the only of its kind in the UK
- Players can play in groups of up to six
- Suitable for all ages, young and old love playing the floor is lava
A video of your play can be sent to you by entering your email address after play

Benefits of Valo Arena are:
Hand eye coordination
Communication skills
Social skills
Health and Fitness
What the parents think

Get in
0191 215 0055
Unit 28, Bellingham Drive, North Tyne Industrial Estate, Whitley Road, Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 9SZ
0 -12 Months
£5.00 Off Peak
£5.00 Peak*
1-4 Years
£10.00 Off Peak
£12.00 Peak*
5-12 Years
£11.00 Off Peak
£13.00 Peak*
Babies under 1 – £5.00 (free of charge with paying sibling, admission only does not apply to Meal Deal Offer). Adults and Children 13 plus £2.00 Admission time is limited to 2.5hrs. *Weekends and School Holidays
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday Last entry 5pm
9am to 7pm
Friday Last entry 5:30pm
9am to 7:30pm
Saturday Last entry 5:30pm
10am to 7:30pm
Sunday Last entry 5pm
10am to 7pm